Policies and Procedures

Mission statement

The Tarremah Steiner School Library is an integral part of the School which provides resources and services to enrich and support the School curriculum in its widest sense, based on the educational principles and practices of Rudolf Steiner. The Library strives to provide a wide range of resources to nurture and develop innovation, creativity, imagination, knowledge and enjoyment.


The Tarremah School Library is open to all members of the Tarremah School Community.

There is no joining fee for current students and their families, or for Tarremah staff.

However, members of the wider community who do not have a direct connection to the School (through students or staff) are required to become a member of the Tarremah Steiner School Foundation in order to be a Tarremah School Library member. There is an annual fee of $10 for a membership. Please contact us if you wish to join. 

Circulation policy

Resources in the Tarremah School Library are available to members of the School community, including students, staff, parents and the wider community.

Parents are welcome to borrow a range of resources for their own use, or to share with their children. Children from Class 1 to Class 10 are encouraged to borrow resources of their own choice, monitored by Library staff for suitability and age-appropriateness.

Parents wishing to borrow books on behalf of their children are encouraged to allow their children to choose their own books and to borrow them on their own record. The rationale for this decision is to encourage students to take responsibility for their own choices; to facilitate the development of selection skills and; to enable them to monitor and manage their own reading.

Loan period

The loan period for students is two weeks, for community members it is three weeks. If an item is required for a longer period, it may be renewed, but it must be shown to library staff before renewal in case item has holds. Any resource that is not returned within two months will be considered lost. If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair the cost of a replacement will be paid in full by the borrower, including a processing fee. You will receive an email for any overdue items, and if there is no response or the item is still not returned an invoice will be issued by the accounts team.

Please be considerate when borrowing from the collection. We want to encourage as many people to be reading and using our Library, but we also want to make sure resources are available for others in a timely manner.